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Our Ministry Partners
H3Helpline is a dedicated 24x7x365 helpline for men
& women who need after-abortion assistance.
Phone: +1 (866) 721-7881
Website: https://h3helpline.org
Email: terrib@h3helpline.org
New Heart of Texas Ministries is dedicated
to help men & women heal from the pain
of abortion through healing retreats.
Phone: +1 (866) 763-6557
Website: https://newheartoftexas.org
Email: info@newheartoftexas.org
Rachel’s Vineyard is a safe place to renew,
rebuild, and redeem hearts broken by abortion.
Weekend retreats offer women and men a
supportive, confidential, and non-judgmental
environment where they can express, release,
and reconcile painful post-abortive emotions
to begin the process of restoration, renewal,
and healing.